*Troxler model 3450 and 3430/3440 Plus/Enhanced models are $549.00 due to software fee.
*Troxler model 3450 and 3430/3440 Plus/Enhanced models are $549.00 due to software fee.
The Model 3030-2 Simultaneous Alpha-Beta Sample Counter is a dual-channel counter designed for simultaneous alpha and beta sample measurement.
The counts per minute (CPM), Becquerel (Bq), or counts per second (CPS) modes may be enabled to allow the count to be automatically, and in real time, in CPM, Bq, or CPS. While in Bq and CPS display modes the display will show the count with two decimal places.
The counter incorporates an internally housed ZnS(Ag) plastic scintillator detector with shielded 5.1 cm (2 in.) diameter stainless steel sample tray. This system supplies independent backlit LCD readouts to support alpha and beta sample counting.
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